
Proposed Discretionary Spending Budget (FY 2016) - The Momentum Plan...

In response to the appearance of the following image throughout the social media networks, we did a careful analysis of the data and decided to replicate the chart as closely as we dared, using the standard Excel color-set (absolutely no infringement inferred upon National Priorities Project)...

Published Feb 09, 2015 at https://www.nationalpriorities.org/blog/2015/02/09/presidents-2016-budget-pictures and scattered all over Facebook and Twitter:

The budget presented to Congress by President Obama left much to be desired. The insanely huge military budget shows how horribly skewed the International Policies of the United States have become. While this is a subtle reduction from the 2015 Budget ($640 billion), it still only leaves 46% of the budget ($530 billion) for any and all non-miltiary related expenditures.

That being said, the president has increased almost all other spending areas by a fraction of a percent. This progress is far too slow.

It's time we had a new regime, a new set of values, a new budget to reflect a more noble, more war-weary America.

We submit the following more truly balanced approach toward ensuring domestic tranquility, providing for the common defense (while not breaking the bank in doing so), promoting the general welfare of our citizens, and securing the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.

I think I've heard that somewhere before...

So here is our amendment to President Obama's proposal. We are certain this will drive many people completely bonkers in trying to rationalize the swath of changes. 

Our top 3 priorities for this budget are as follows...

Education & Student Loan Forgiveness:  
Simply put - we need to fund the public schools, pay our teachers for all of the child rearing they do while protecting and molding the minds and hearts of our children, and allow those children the opportunity to attend college at minimal or no cost. 

We also need to examine all college graduates who are currently in default or have not paid their student loan bills to see the causes for such financial burden. 

For those who qualify (unemployed, underemployed, disabled, and horribly misled by for-profit colleges), we should consider an amnesty program, a realistic repayment plan, or possible forgiveness of many student loans that were brought about by fraudulent practices - perpetrated by colleges.

Energy & Environment:
Investing in research and development of clean energy options will ensure the continued existence of the human race. Time is running out. We must act NOW!

Native American Reconstruction:
A long-neglected aspect of American culture, the genocide perpetrated by our ancestors upon the original inhabitants of this nation must be acknowledged. 

Many people know that most currently living Native Americans reside on Reservation lands. What most do not know is that the Reservations are listed in most legal documents as "Prisoner of War Camp."

These Prisoner of War Concentration Camps have been left to rot: abandoned, dilapidated, and are filled with amazingly vibrant, determined, beautiful people who have been unfortunately plagued by poverty, drugs, disease, violence, and starvation. Some homes have no heat, plumbing, and may be missing windows, walls, or even clean water.

Certainly, some tribes have found a way to bring themselves back from the brink, but many millions of people around this continent are freezing to death, starving, and dying of diabetes or diseases only found in 4th world countries.

We must rebuild, invest, restore, and assist all living peoples of Native Descent, bring them food, water, medical care, cultural and global education, and build them homes, places to work, etc. All while respecting their culture, beliefs, and history.

For the remainder of the changes, we at The Momentum Party look forward to discussing these on facebook, and in comments below...


Human Citizenry vs. Corporate Personhood


The Momentum Party defines, per the Constitution of the United States, a United States Citizen as:

  1. A single human being who was birthed within the borders of the United States of America, its colonies and territories, according to law.
  2. A naturalized immigrant who has become a Citizen of the United States through Registration with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services office.
In no uncertain terms does The Momentum Party accept the United States Supreme Court ruling in the case of Citizens United v. the Federal Election Commission, which declares that:
  1. Corporations are people.
  2. Money equals speech.
  3. Corporations - as people - are legally permitted to make unlimited "speech" contributions to election candidates and campaigns.
  4. No limitation will be made on financial contributions toward elections, candidates, or political promotion messages.

Here's a breakdown of the underlying concepts:

Human Citizens have one vote, one voice.

If Corporations are allowed to continue using their vast quantity of profits to set their own agenda as the only voice to be heard, booming over any individual or group of individuals with far less money, then the only agenda that will be followed will be one of ensuring corporations make the most money and individuals have no say whatever in how the Government of the United States is operated - or who the operators are in the first place.

The Momentum Party seeks to join with Move To Amend and other groups that wish to overturn this outrageous and self-destructive decision by the Judicial Branch of the United States government.



On the misrepresentation in the media of "Federal Entitlements"


Principle Guidelines/Bylaws

At the very heart of the Momentum Party policies we will find a set of principle guidelines: a standard of bylaws in compliance with which all actions, statements, and advancements must follow.

  1. Independent of any major political party (Green, Democratic, Libertarian, Republican, etc.), the Momentum Party will stand by the facts, without bias or prejudice, without animosity, but with humility and strength of character and purpose.

  2. The Momentum Party representatives, candidates, and nominees shall set a long-term goal to utilize all legal and ethical means to achieve short-term victories, overcome short-term losses, and strive for truth and respect in every decision and action to be made. By setting our short-term goals to achieve small victories, we build the momentum needed to succeed in our long-term goals.

  3. No party member or representative shall accept donations from any person, representative of a business entity or corporation, or via undisclosed sources under any circumstances, except where provided as legal - with complete understanding that no donation of any type or size shall hold the Momentum Party or its members or its candidates under the sway of the personal philosophy or financial interests of said person or entity whom has made the donation.

  4. Any attempt to alter the facts or intentional mis-interpretation of the facts in order to sway the individuals or body of the Momentum Party or United States Citizens by Momentum Party representatives shall be met with swift, explicit legal action and prosecution of those found to be causing said disturbances or manipulations.

    • In brief: Anyone who donates or pledges monies in support of the Momentum Party and its representatives does so without the ability to directly or indirectly influence where or how that money is used, or the manner in which any elected person or official of the Momentum Party chooses to vote on issues or bills.

    • No special interest groups or lobbyists will be tolerated or acknowledged. Concerned individual citizens will be provided a means of communicating with the Momentum Party representatives with equal voice.

    • Certainly, setting this general rule will diminish donations from large entities with generous pocketbooks and bankrolls, but it is the principle we, the Momentum Party must stand by.

  5. All donations exceeding $200.01 will be posted publicly within the donations page, once the Momentum Party has begun to accept said donations.

    • Freedom of Information, open disclosure from where our donations have been received will ensure honesty, integrity, and eliminate corruption.
    • By posting publicly the names of our top supporters, we show the integrity and value of said individuals or companies, the better to increase their reputation for maintaining a moral and upstanding image.

    • The privacy of individual contributors will be respected by providing only the first name and the first initial of the last name of donors will be posted, including the city and state in which the individual is registered to vote.


Our Founding Principles

The Momentum Party


mo·men·tum [moh-men-tuhm] noun;
1. Force or speed of movement; impetus, as of a physical object or course of events.
2. Also called linear momentum: a quantity expressing the motion of a body or system, equal to the product of the mass of a body and its velocity, and for a system equal to the vector sum of the products of mass and velocity of each particle in the system.
[source: dictionary.reference.com]

Founding Principles:

  • Whereas the stagnation of the status quo has brought about the collapse and desolation of the welfare, livelihood, and potential for success for the common citizen, and

  • Whereas a majority of the elected Representatives of the citizens of the United States of America have become nothing more than the pawns of greedy corporate lobbyists. Lobbyists who spend more of their corporate masters' monies to eliminate protections for the health and well-being of the citizenry and economic security of the human beings whom reside within the borders of the United States than said corporations who sponsor said lobbyists would have ever spent on the taxes due on profits and incomes, and

  • Whereas the extreme radical natures of both major political parties has brought them into alignment with the most evil and fascist of philosophies, while purporting to uphold a religious ideal as if it were the ultimate herald of prosperity and good in the world, while simultaneously wasting their time and taxpayer money working to decimate said taxpayers, and

  • Whereas the corporate media outlets have become so corrupted by slander, lies, and biased agendas which only lead to ignorance, blindness to the truth, and promotion of the detriments to the society as a whole, and

  • Whereas no minor third party has become powerful or influential enough to stand firm on the morality and strengths of the citizenry of the United States, upholding the Constitutional guidelines set down by the founders of this nation, and

  • Whereas the lines of truth and fiction have become so intertwined that the common citizen is unable to distinguish lies from facts from opinions from corporatist propaganda and media spin, so be it decreed that:
The Momentum Party, being an independent party of concerned Human Citizens of the United States of America, has become essential to defend the common citizen from the monetary behemoths which seek only to profit from the greed of manipulation of:
  • the markets for profit
  • the money supply for inflation
  • military contracts for war profiteering
  • elected representatives in Congress for their own greedy desires
  • and trade agreements with foreign nations
    in order to destroy the American Middle Class and drive the majority of United States Citizens into poverty.
The Momentum Party is a progressive political organization formed to bring the United States of America back from the brink of destruction by an oxymoronic blend of fascist corporatism and plutocratic theocracy.

With respect for the human condition, individual rights and entitlements, constitutionally protected freedoms, and common sense for the general welfare of the nation, The Momentum Party has become the next step into the future of the United States Political System.

The Momentum Party seeks to eliminate corruption, halt the greed and lobbying which dismiss the voice of the human citizens of the nation, and to set forth an agenda which will bring under control the financial, legal, political, and international condition of Planet Earth and the Republic of the United States of America.

Issues to be discussed:

Human Citizenry vs. Corporate Personhood
Fighting Political Corruption
Financial Reform & Taxation
Right to Vote & Citizenship
Domestic Energy Policies & The Environment
Medical Rights & Health Insurance
Censorship & The Internet
National Defense & Foreign Diplomacy
Scientific Research & Space Exploration
Labor & Employment Policies
Media Responsibility & Policies
Education & Student Loans
